Two More Reasons to Hire a Real Artist

Yup, it’s that time again. Time to make fun of my drawing ability… and show what the new title screen for Arvale: TOM, Episode 4 will look like!

Click on the above to see my original layout sketch of the next title screen in all its stick-figure glory 🙂

Now, you may be wondering, ‘What the heck is it?!’ So I imagine a bit of explanation is in order.

As I have said previously, the game will branch off into three playable stories. Without giving too much away:

The top-left corner, is Duncan and Noko being chased by a Leviathan.

The top-right corner, has Chev working on something and Sakyra looking at the tools he is working with.

The bottom (uh, corner?), has Cyper up against a wall listening in on a conversation at night-time in the city of Garga.

So… perhaps you can ween some information about the upcoming story or gameplay from that bit of info there.

Oh right, and what it looks like when a real artist works on it?

It looks something a bit more like this:



Click on it see it in in all of its not-stick-figure glory… and Enjoy!

Oh, and if any of my previous posts on title screens are an indication… the release is probably coming up soon 😉