3 Reasons Why You Should Hire a Real Artist For Your Project

I’m currently working with an artist on character designs and the main title screen for Arvale: Treasure of Memories, Episode II. While kicking around ideas and describing a few pictures in my head, we thought it would be a good idea for me to sketch out what I was thinking.

I’m wanting to do something with the new and old characters involved in the game try to portray their personalities and how they fit into the story, while maintaining a decent balance of picture (which everyone should have learned in any Art 101 class).

Above and the following are the results.

The first sketch wasn’t centered enough and I didn’t want Duncan off on his own like that, so I made the above masterpiece 😉

Then I decided to add a bit more detail (so the artist isn’t at a complete loss while staring at stick figures), and fleshed it out to this thing.

That should be proof enough that you should hire a real artist 😉

Actually, the last sketch isn’t that bad (I doodled a lot when I was a kid, which may explain my fondness for drawing on lined paper 😉 ). A step up from stick figures at least (side note: I actually made a fighting game involving stick-figures, -programmed in basic, using low-res graphics on the Apple II- back when I was in in highschool… I still have fond memories of it…).

But I know that the artist’s final rendition will have actual perspective, talent, and skill behind it, so it will kick ass and probably look nothing like this 🙂

Anyway, I just thought you’d enjoy it. What do you think?