New Arvale title named – Arvale: Treasure of Memories


After racking my brain for different titles for several months, I finally decided on a name (and a font). This honestly took up most of my day (sad, but true).

I wanted the title to reflect upon the story’s main character (Duncan) and his dilemma (recovering his lost memories) in the new title while keeping a nice Fantasy Adventure (RPG, Treasure, etc) flavor to the title. I think Treasure of Memories can be read several different ways and really works well. In addition, it matches the past naming convention of Journey of Illusion and Ocean of Time with a three word title. The acronym also works out to ATM, which is great and easy to remember. 🙂

Finding a font to capture the Arvale feeling was just as much work. Keeping the fantasy feel without being archaic or using gothic fonts, having a light-hearted feeling without being too cartoony is difficult to balance. It also helped in finalizing the title between Memory and Memories (the Y in memory would cross over the R which looked bad). The R in ‘Arvale’ crossing over the F in ‘of’ was pure coincidence but I think it’s a nice touch.

A few really useful tools I found for testing fonts are the STC font browser: here Which let’s you type in a phrase and test it out quickly with any installed fonts on your computer (if you’re a graphic designer, you no doubt already have thousands and it much faster than prototyping in Photoshop). The other was the font browser on this allows you to type in your phrase and then view it in every font they have available.

So… what do you think? Do you like the title? I sure do 🙂