Arvale Development Day 1.5-ish

Finished up the two Dungeon songs and started on the Overworld music, as I said yesterday.

I love how eclectic the Arvale games are, which allows me to write music/dialogue/story which can span multiple genres and still suit the game perfectly. With the two Dungeon themes already, we have music ranging from moody, creepy, orchestral piece to a Jazz combo piece which goes from atonal to blues to… a solo violin? Don’t ask me, I just wrote it. 🙂

Here are some previews of the music:



Something weird happened to my arm (I really hope it’s a bruise) and I decided to take a short rest last night. But still on schedule for today. Today is finish up the Overworld and get the Battle music written.

I have a doc appointment on Monday. Here’s hoping for a bruise 🙂