Japanese Language Proficiency Test 2010 N2, I Passed


Sometimes the stress is worth it, maybe 😉

In any case, above you’ll see the proof that I passed the  日本語能力試験 N2, which is the new version of the old 二級

Don’t let the numbers fool you, the old version was categorized into 4 levels, with 4級 being the easiest and 1級 being the hardest. The new version has 5 levels with N-5 being the easiest and N-1 being the hardest.

According to the Japanese Government N2 level is supposed to should take 3 years of intense studying to achieve (I won’t brag that it took me roughly 1 year, I’m just saying…), and is equivalent to Business Level Japanese.

I’m not sure what Business Level means, so I’m aiming for N1 by the end of the year, which according to them means Native Fluency… and according to everyone else, sounds impossible.

But you know, I like doing impossible things 🙂